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Everything you need to know about what's going on at the Aerial Arts Festival Berlin this year!

We have a full four days of exciting things on offer for you...


Thought-provoking talks with experts from the

circus world.

Un-ticketed and free of charge. Small tent.

Saturday 29 March 16.00 - 17.30

Talk - World Cafe format: Zirkus und Elternschaft (DE)

Wie haben Artisten*innen es geschafft, eine Zirkuskarriere mit der Elternschaft zu verbinden, und was können Einzelpersonen und die Szene der darstellenden Künste insgesamt tun, um dies zu ermöglichen?

Wenn du an diesem Vortrag teilnehmen möchten und dafür eine Kinderbetreuung benötigen, meldest du dich bitte bis zum 13. März unter Angabe der Anzahl der Kinder und des Alters bei uns an, damit wir einen kostenlosen Platz bei unserer Kinderbetreuerin vor Ort anbieten können.

Email:, Subject line: Kinderbetreuung

Sunday 30 March 15.00 - 16.30

Talk - Fishbowl format: Building strong communities through circus (EN)

The social, political and financial climate in Germany and worldwide seems less supportive to artists than ever. How can we build circus communities for both new and old faces? How do we stay strong and empower each other in the face of a polarised society? 

open training

Our small tent is available for open training throughout the festival to share, experiment, and meet new people.

Training times: 

Thursday 11.00 - 20.00

Friday 11.00 - 20.00

Saturday 11.00 - 15.30 and 17.30 - 20.00

Sunday 11.00 - 14.30 and 16.30 - 18.30

Price: 5€ per day or 10€ all four days (payable in cash on the door)

Equipment: Rope, silks, hoop, trapeze and straps will be provided. Rigging own equipment is not possible due to logistical reasons.

Participants train at their own risk, and can confirm that they have already practiced aerial arts for at least one year and are safe to train without a coach.

short films

Aerial circus themed art-films from the Vuesch team and friends will be shown in our mini 'Kino-Ecke'. Drop in whenever you like to take a look.


I Will Glow, Right? - Jessie Rose

Über den Schatten springen - Mareike Heenemann

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This year we will again be offering massages to enjoy around your festival schedule.


30 Minute Focus Massage: 55 Euros

choose 1 focus area: neck, shoulders, feet, hands/forearms

45 Minute Massage: 80 Euros 

choose 1-3 focus areas: neck, shoulders, hands/forearms, lower back, hips


Massages at the Aerial Arts Festival are offered on a high-quality massage table in a heated, private area. Jaina uses hypoallergenic massage gel and disinfects the table before each use. 


Cash or PayPal. No-shows or cancellations less than 24 hours in  advance are asked to pay 50%.


Fill out this appointment request form


Thursday: 13.00 - 18.30

Friday: 15.00 - 18.30

Sunday:  13.00 - 18.30


Jaina Hirai offers customised and goal-oriented deep tissue massage treatments which include targeted myofascial release, trigger point techniques, osteopathic Thai therapy and reflexology. She specialises in upper body release for painful shoulders, stiff or immobile neck, headaches, jaw tension, and overworked hands and forearms. She has been working with athletes professionally for 18 years.

This is her third year offering massage at the Aerial Arts festival. Jaina is fascinated by the effects circus training has upon muscles, fascial chains and joints, and uses her anatomical knowledge to offer individualized treatments.

Jaina founded her own massage company, Hirai Healing, in 2007, and co-founded Haven wellness center for massage and Pilates in Rummelsberg, Berlin in 2020. 



Shiraz Street Food is rolling into the Aerial Arts Festival! 🚚✨ Serving up Persian flavours in delicious bowls—vegan, veggie, or omnivore, there’s something for everyone! 🍛

Come grab a bite and enjoy the show!

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Our Bar will be open from afternoon til evening selling alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, as well as snacks, popcorn and merchandise.

We are proud to have a partial sponsorship from Brauhaus Neulich whose delicious beers and non-alcoholic drinks we will be serving for you!

All profit from our bar will go towards supporting Vuesch e.V.


Want a souvenir from your festival experience? Forgot your rosin bag or spare socks? Never fear! We have cool merch for you on sale at the bar! Come and check it out.



Keep an eye on this spot for special offers with our partners.

Fancy dress sunday

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Just so you know and can start planning... Sunday is fancy.

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